What were your expectations for CFHS?
When I first discovered I would be going to Central Falls for my SED class I was both nervous and excited. I was excited to have the advantage of observing classrooms, but nervous because I was unsure of what to really expect. The only thing I really expected was some type of security at the door because of gang violence that has occurred in Central Falls in the past.
I am somewhat familiar with Central Falls and the Central Falls school department. I was expecting some type of security at the door because of gang violence that has occurred in Central Falls in the past. When I was in high school, I volunteered as a tutor at Ella Risk Elementary School. During this time, I became familiar with the demographics and challenges in this area. I was aware that teacher demographics did not mirror students demographics however, I was surprised when I heard about the teacher demographics in Central Falls High School. At the elementary level, the teacher and teacher's aide in the first grade classroom were both of Latino descent. I assumed that the teacher demographics in the high school would represent multiculturalism slightly more than Mr. Laplante had shared with us. I can see how such demographics could become a problem in the classroom. I expected a large ESL population and I was pleasantly surprised to hear how strictly the administration is enforcing ESL learning for teachers at the school. I am glad to see that administration is really taking the students into consideration. By doing so, teachers will be aware of better methods that will improve student learning.
When looking around the school hallways I expected to see bilingual signs which such a high Hispanic demographic in the town. The sign in front of the school is in both english and spanish and I figured that would be the case inside as well. Although there are a many different ethnicities, I feel as though signs positing rules would be more beneficial to be in spanish and english, the two majority languages.
I also expected to see more emphasis on college and academic success. There were a few posters stating dates of college fairs. It may very well be due to timing, as it is only September, however I expected to see more posters. As someone who works at Rhode Island College, I have dealt with many students from Central Falls who receive grants and scholarships to come to RIC as well as Central Falls students who participate in our college prep summer programs. I was expecting to see more of a Rhode Island College presence in the school. I did see a flyer for scholarship opportunities which I felt was extremely important. I know when I was looking at colleges price was a major factor. Financial aid can be a difficult to obtain, especially for students with parents who do not speak English. Advertising scholarships opportunities provides students with another incentive and reminder that furthering their education is possible.
Overall I was presently surprised. The staff members who spoke to the SED class were passionate about their jobs, their students, and learning in general. On the "warrior board," there were a few pictures of students and information about what they liked best at CFHS. Many of the them stated they liked the teachers at CFHS. In high school the student and teacher dynamic shifts and students are not always so fond of any form of authority. It was nice to see that the students feel as though their teachers are having a positive impact on their lives.